General information and contact data

Address: 104 Nalbandyan St., 0001, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
E-mail address of the Staff of the Director of the RA NSS:
Telephone: +374 10 56 35 15 (front office)

Official responsible for ensuring the freedom of information of the National Security Service of RA, Head of NSS Director's Staff, Colonel Nairi Margaryan

Tel.: +37410 548127

Press Center of the NSS of RA
Tel.: +37415 539760, Mobile +37495 215800


According to the order of Director of the National Security Service of RA of 20.06.2018 N28-A,

1. The person authorized for the internal notification in the system of the RA NSS, as well as for the external notification in the central bodies of the RA NSS is Head of Directorate of Internal Security Hrayr Avetisyan (tel.  015-57-99-70)

2. The persons authorized for the external notification in the regional directorates (hereinafter: RD) of the RA NSS are:

1) Kamo Nersisyan, Head of Shirak RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0312-5-30-22)

2) Karen Alchangyan, Head of Lori RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0322-4-09-70)

3) Rafik Bokhyan, Head of Armavir RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0237-2-17-27)

4) Hambardzum Virabyan, Interim Head of Ararat RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0235-2-21-35)

5) Hovhannes Ghalumyan, Head of Tavush RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0263-4-06-06)

6) Karen Sahakyan, Head of Aragatsotn RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0232-3-28-42)

7) Artur Vardanyan, Head of Gegharquniq RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0264-3-07-14)

8) Gagik Khachatryan, Head of Kotayq RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0223-6-00-28)

9) Xachatur Kostandyan, Head of Syuniq RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0285-2-33-10)

10) Kolya Mikaelyan, Head of Vayots Dzor RD of the RA NSS (tel. 0281-2-55-11).

In the RA National Security Service the provision of information is carried out under the decision of the RA Government of 15.10.2015 N 1204-N on ''Establishing the order for registration, classification and storing of the information processed by the owner of the information or of the information delivered to him, as well as for provision of information or its duplicate (copy) by bodies of State and local self- government, State institutions and organizations''. At the same time, according to the abovementioned decision, there is a possibility to send official electronic requests in the “Online Request” section of the official website of the National Security Service of RA. Requests must have electronic digital signature, provided for by the RA Law “On electronic document and electronic digital signature”.

The procedure for oral request is established by the RA Law “On Freedom of Information” according to Article 9, Part 5 of which:

The answer to the oral request is given if:

  • the provision of the required information can prevent the dangers posing threat to the state, public security, public order, public health and morals, the rights and freedoms of others, the environment, and property of persons.
  • it is necessary to verify the fact that the owner of the given information has the relevant information.
  • it is necessary to clarify the procedure for discussing written requests by the owner of the given information.

Sample of information request


Organization’s or person’s name
Name and surname of information provider

Requestor’s name and surname
/address of residence, work or educational institution/

Information Request

Dear Mr./Ms...................,
In accordance with articles 27 and 27.1 of RA Constitution and the 6th article of RA law on “Freedom of Information” I ask you to provide information on __________________ (clearly state the information needed).

According to the 9th article of RA law on “Freedom of Information” the answer to a written information inquiry should be given within 5 days after it’s receiving with the expection of cases when provision of requested information requires additional work (within 30 days). Thus, I request to reply to my information request in ways and terms fdefined by the law.
In case my inquiry is refused, pleace inform me about the grounds of refusal in written form (article 11) and if possible provide adresses of other state bodies or officials whom I may send the request.

(I confirm my readiness to cover copying costs).
Thanks in advance

Name, Surname Signature
